Our Hiring Process

Stage 1


The application deadline is January 26th, and we hope to review all applications and make decisions within a week of that deadline.  

If it's January 31st and you haven't heard from us, please search your email inbox (including Promotions and Spam) for an update from @pinpoint.email.
Stage 2


A written questionnaire (early February)
Stage 3

Interview #1

First video interview with three of your potential future teammates (mid-February)
Stage 4

Paid, skills-based project

A paid, skills-based project that you'll complete asynchronously (mid-February)
Stage 5

Interview #2

Second video interview with another three of your potential future teammates (late February)
Stage 6

Interview #3

A final video interview with members of our leadership team (early March)
Stage 7


We hope to extend an offer in early March, depending on how all the rest of these stages go. 🙂